本文共 12784 字,大约阅读时间需要 42 分钟。
#!/usr/bin/perl################################################################################# check-unused-keys - Perl Script to check unused indexes# # @author Ryan Lowe################################################################################use strict;use warnings FATAL => 'all';use Pod::Usage;use Getopt::Long;use English qw(-no_match_vars);use DBI;my $VERSION = '0.0.2';my %OPTIONS;$OPTIONS{'summary'} = 1;################################################################################# Get configuration information################################################################################# Parse command line optsmy $gop=new Getopt::Long::Parser;$gop->configure('no_ignore_case','bundling');if (!$gop->getoptions( 'create-alter!' => \$OPTIONS{'createalter'}, 'databases|d=s' => \$OPTIONS{'database' }, 'help|h' => \$OPTIONS{'help' }, 'hostname|H=s' => \$OPTIONS{'host' }, 'ignore-databases=s' => \$OPTIONS{'ignoredb' }, 'ignore-indexes=s' => \$OPTIONS{'ignoreidx'}, 'ignore-primary-key!' => \$OPTIONS{'ignorepk'}, 'ignore-tables=s' => \$OPTIONS{'ignoretbl'}, 'ignore-unique-index!' => \$OPTIONS{'ignoreuniq'}, 'print-unused-tables!' => \$OPTIONS{'printunusedtbl'}, 'options-file=s' => \$OPTIONS{'def' }, 'password|p=s' => \$OPTIONS{'password' }, 'port=i' => \$OPTIONS{'port' }, 'socket|s=s' => \$OPTIONS{'socket' }, 'summary!' => \$OPTIONS{'summary' }, 'tables|t=s' => \$OPTIONS{'tables' }, 'username|u=s' => \$OPTIONS{'user' }, 'verbose|v+' => \$OPTIONS{'verbose' }, 'version|V' => \$OPTIONS{'version' } ) ) { pod2usage(2);}# Yay for versionsif ($OPTIONS{'version'}) { print "$VERSION\n"; exit 0;}# Help if asked for or no check givenpod2usage(2) if ($OPTIONS{'help'});# Set global defaults/validate options$OPTIONS{'timeout'} = $OPTIONS{'timeout'} ? $OPTIONS{'timeout'} : 10;$OPTIONS{'verbose'} = $OPTIONS{'verbose'} ? $OPTIONS{'verbose'} : 0;################################################################################# Begin the main program################################################################################# Set db defaults/validate options$OPTIONS{'host'} = $OPTIONS{'host'} ? $OPTIONS{'host'} : 'localhost';$OPTIONS{'port'} = $OPTIONS{'port'} ? $OPTIONS{'port'} : '3306';$OPTIONS{'def' } = $OPTIONS{'def' } ? $OPTIONS{'def' } : $ENV{'HOME'}.'/.my.cnf';# Set some default behaviour$OPTIONS{'createalter'} = defined($OPTIONS{'createalter'}) ? $OPTIONS{'createalter'} : 0;$OPTIONS{'ignorepk'} = defined($OPTIONS{'ignorepk'}) ? $OPTIONS{'ignorepk'} : 1;$OPTIONS{'ignoreuniq'} = defined($OPTIONS{'ignoreuniq'}) ? $OPTIONS{'ignoreuniq'} : 1;$OPTIONS{'printunusedtbl'} = defined($OPTIONS{'printunusedtbl'}) ? $OPTIONS{'printunusedtbl'} : 0;# Attempt db connectionmy $connection_string = 'DBI:mysql:';$connection_string .= "host=$OPTIONS{'host'};";$connection_string .= "database=$OPTIONS{'database'};" if $OPTIONS{'database'};$connection_string .= "mysql_socket=$OPTIONS{'socket'};" if $OPTIONS{'socket'} and $OPTIONS{'host'} eq 'localhost';$connection_string .= "port=$OPTIONS{'port'};";$connection_string .= "mysql_read_default_file=$OPTIONS{'def'};";$connection_string .= "mysql_read_default_group=client;";$connection_string .= "mysql_multi_statements=1";my $dbh;eval { $dbh = DBI->connect ( $connection_string, $OPTIONS{'user'}, $OPTIONS{'password'}, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 } );};if ( $@ ) { print "Could not connect to MySQL\n"; print "\n"; print $@ if ($OPTIONS{'verbose'} > 0); exit 1;}# Check to make sure userstats is actually enabled:)my $sanity_query = 'SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "userstat_running"';my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sanity_query);$sth->execute();my $status = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();die('userstat is NOT running') unless ($status->{'Value'} eq 'ON'); ################################################################################# Build The Query################################################################################my $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT `s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA`, `s`.`TABLE_NAME`, `s`.`INDEX_NAME`, `s`.`NON_UNIQUE`, `s`.`INDEX_NAME`, `t`.`ROWS_READ` AS TBL_READ, `i`.`ROWS_READ` AS IDX_READ FROM `information_schema`.`statistics` AS `s` LEFT JOIN `information_schema`.`index_statistics` AS `i` ON (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = `i`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = `i`.`TABLE_NAME` AND `s`.`INDEX_NAME` = `i`.`INDEX_NAME`) LEFT JOIN `information_schema`.`table_statistics` AS `t` ON (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = `t`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = `t`.`TABLE_NAME`) WHERE `i`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` IS NULL';if ($OPTIONS{'database'}) { my @dbs = split(',', $OPTIONS{'database'}); $query .= ' AND `s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` IN ("'.join('","',@dbs).'")';}if ($OPTIONS{'ignoredb'}) { my @dbs = split(',', $OPTIONS{'ignoredb'}); $query .= ' AND `s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` NOT IN ("'.join('","',@dbs).'")';}if ($OPTIONS{'ignoretbl'}) { my @tbls = split(',', $OPTIONS{'ignoretbl'}); foreach (@tbls) { my @a = split(/\./, $_); $query .= ' AND (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` != "'.$a[0].'" AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` != "'.$a[1].'")'; } }if ($OPTIONS{'ignoreidx'}) { my @idxs = split(',', $OPTIONS{'ignoreidx'}); foreach (@idxs) { my @a = split(/\./, $_); $query .= ' AND (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` != "'.$a[0].'" AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` != "'.$a[1].'" AND `s`.`INDEX_NAME` != "'.$a[2].'")'; }}if ($OPTIONS{'tables'}) { my @tbls = split(/\,/, $OPTIONS{'tables'}); foreach (@tbls) { my @a = split(/\./, $_); $query .= ' AND (`s`.`TABLE_SCHEMA` = "'.$a[0].'" AND `s`.`TABLE_NAME` = "'.$a[1].'")'; }}if ($OPTIONS{'ignorepk'}) { $query .= ' AND `s`.`INDEX_NAME` != "PRIMARY"';}if ($OPTIONS{'ignoreuniq'}) { $query .= ' AND `s`.`NON_UNIQUE` = 1';}#if ($OPTIONS{'ignoreunusedtbl'}) {# $query .= ' AND `t`.`ROWS_READ` > 0 AND `t`.`ROWS_READ` IS NOT NULL#';#}print $query."\n" if ($OPTIONS{'verbose'} gt 1);$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);$sth->execute();my $n_indexes = 0;my $n_tbls = 0;my $ignored_tbls = {};my %alters;## loop through all returned rowswhile (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $tbl = '`'.$row->{'TABLE_SCHEMA'}.'`.`'.$row->{'TABLE_NAME'}.'`'; ## if this table was never read from if (!defined($row->{'TBL_READ'}) or $row->{'TBL_READ'} eq 0) { ## skip if we already printed this table next if ($ignored_tbls->{$row->{'TABLE_NAME'}}); $ignored_tbls->{$row->{'TABLE_NAME'}} = 1; $n_tbls++; print "# Table $tbl not used.\n" if ($OPTIONS{'printunusedtbl'} gt 0); ## dont bother doing check for unused indexes if table was never read next; } ## build the ALTER command $n_indexes++; if ($OPTIONS{'createalter'}) { if (!defined($alters{$tbl})) { $alters{$tbl} = 'ALTER TABLE '.$tbl.' DROP INDEX `'.$row->{'INDEX_NAME'}.'`'; } else { $alters{$tbl} .= ",\n DROP INDEX `".$row->{'INDEX_NAME'}.'`'; } } print "# Index $tbl (".$row->{'INDEX_NAME'}.") not used.\n";}if ($OPTIONS{'createalter'}) { foreach (sort keys %alters) { print $alters{$_}.";\n"; }}if ($OPTIONS{'summary'} gt 0) { $sth = $dbh->prepare('SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE "Uptime"'); $sth->execute(); my $ua = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); print '################################################################################# Unused Indexes: '.$n_indexes,"\n"; print '# Unused Tables: '.$n_tbls."\n" if $OPTIONS{'printunusedtbl'}; print '# Uptime: '.$ua->{'Value'}.' seconds################################################################################';}=pod=head1 NAMEcheck-unused-keys - Perl Script to check unused indexes using Percona userstat=head1 SYNOPSIS check-unused-keys [OPTIONS] Options: -d, --databases= Comma-separated list of databases to check -h, --help Display this message and exit -H, --hostname= The target MySQL server host --[no]create-alter Print ALTER statements for each table --ignore-databases Comma-separated list of databases to ignore --ignore-indexes Comma-separated list of indexes to ignore db_name.tbl_name.index_name --ignore-tables Comma-separated list of tables to ignore db_name.tbl_name --[no]ignore-primary Whether or not to ignore PRIMARY KEY --[no]ignore-unique Whether or not to ignore UNIQUE indexes --options-file The options file to use --[no]print-unused-tables Whether or not to print a list of unused tables (indexes from unused tables are never shown) -p, --password= The password of the MySQL user -i, --port= The port MySQL is listening on -s, --socket= Use the specified mysql unix socket to connect -t, --tables= Comma-separated list of tables to evaluate db_name.tbl_name --[no]summary Display summary information -u, --username= The MySQL user used to connect -v, --verbose Increase verbosity level -V, --version Display version information and exit Defaults are: ATTRIBUTE VALUE -------------------------- ------------------ databases ALL databases help FALSE hostname localhost create-alter FALSE ignore-databases No default value ignore-indexes No default value ignore-primary TRUE ignore-tables No default value ignore-unique TRUE options-file ~/.my.cnf password No default value print-unused-tables FALSE port 3306 socket No default value summary TRUE tables No Default Value username No default value verbose 0 (out of 2) version FALSE=head1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTScheck-unused-keys requires the following Perl modules: Pod::Usage Getopt::Long DBI DBD::mysql=head1 BUGSPlease report all bugs and feature requests tohttp://code.google.com/p/check-unused-keys=head1 LICENSETHIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it underthe terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free SoftwareFoundation, version 2; OR the Perl Artistic License. On UNIX and similarsystems, you can issue `man perlgpl' or `man perlartistic' to read theselicenses.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along withthis program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 TemplePlace, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.=head1 AUTHORRyan Lowe (ryan.a.lowe@percona.com)=head1 VERSIONThis manual page documents 0.0.1 of check-unused-keys=cut
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "userstat";+---------------+-------+| Variable_name | Value |+---------------+-------+| userstat | ON |+---------------+-------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
./check-unused-keys --help
./check-unused-keys --host= --username=root --password=zhujie1986 --port=3308 --create-alter
# Index `medicine`.`inn` (idx_name) not used.# Index `hrs_ebs`.`qa_theme_item` (idx_hospUuid_parentId) not used.# Index `hrs_ebs`.`qa_theme_item` (idx_std_hosp_uuid) not used.# Index `expert`.`doctor_course` (idx_state) not used.# Index `settle`.`transfer_order` (idx_transfer_no) not used.# Index `syreserve`.`channel_detail` (idx_module_type_module_business_id) not used.…………# Index `cca`.`ip_addr_pool` (idx_ipaddr_id) not used.# Index `cca`.`ip_addr_pool` (idx_roleid_ipaddr) not used.ALTER TABLE `area_family_doctor`.`t_agreement` DROP INDEX `idx_patient_idcard_no`;ALTER TABLE `area_family_doctor`.`t_ops_org_hosp` DROP INDEX `idx_org_id`;ALTER TABLE `area_family_doctor`.`t_ops_org` DROP INDEX `idx_name`;ALTER TABLE `area_family_doctor`.`t_ops_sign_area_service` DROP INDEX `idx_org_id`;ALTER TABLE `area_family_doctor`.`t_pay_record` DROP INDEX `idx_agreement_apply_id`;…………ALTER TABLE `working`.`user_profile_bak` DROP INDEX `up_mobile`, DROP INDEX `up_call_phone`, DROP INDEX `idx_user_name`, DROP INDEX `idx_cert_no`, DROP INDEX `idx_user_profile_nickname`;ALTER TABLE `wxgops`.`wx_redpacket` DROP INDEX `idx_red_packet_starttime`, DROP INDEX `idx_red_packet_endtime`;################################################################################# Unused Indexes: 830# Uptime: 5037588 seconds################################################################################